Month: November 2017

Updated on February 4, 2020
Jack O’Brien Burke – An impactful 12 Years with Much More to Do.
Every parent gets excited about a child’s birthday, right? Three of my favorite days of any year are the birthdays of my kids. Today is my first child’s birthday. Jack O’Brien Burke made me a father and gave …

Updated on June 28, 2018
He Stood Up and Started it All
We knew Jack had NF right after his second birthday. For quite awhile Beth and I were pretty devastated by the news that our boy had a genetic disorder. In fact, when we initially found out we were …
Updated on June 28, 2018
A Coach who became a Friend who became an Advocate
It is day 9 of NF Awareness month. As you may know, many kids with NF struggle with core strength issues and other side effects that make it relatively more difficult to play sports. About 6 or 7 …

Updated on June 28, 2018
The Hope at Hopewell and the Bowl of Bracelets
Many of you know that Jack recently started middle school. Now, middle school is a big transition for anyone and my estimate is that about 99.9% of the adults I talk to hated middle school for a myriad …