Posted on December 6, 2020

Thanksgiving is a time of joyful celebration, yet also a time of reflection. As Thanksgiving approaches, we at CureNFwithJack want to take time to reflect with gratitude on the blessings we have received. We are honored that you are among our supporters, and thank you for being a part of the change our organization creates.
Many of you joined us last week as Jack Burke received the 2020 Humanitarian Award from the Children’s Tumor Foundation (CTF). We watched with pride as Jack thanked his supporters, inspired his listeners, presented CTF with a check for $300,000 to fund NF research, and ended his speech with a call to action to fight NF together (click here to check out Jack’s acceptance speech). Whether you joined us in the virtual celebration last Monday night, cheered Jack on from afar, or supported CureNFwithJack in the past, you fuel the progress that we have made – and that should be celebrated.
We know this year our Thanksgiving will look different. But one thing remains constant: tomorrow there is hope and you are among the reasons why. Thank you for giving us hope that together we can #endnf.
We wish you a safe, healthy and hopeful Thanksgiving.
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